I work in web development since 2004. There're many technologies passed by, only those I would like to work with mentioned above. For example, before the vue.js I've been working with react/redux/mobx for 2 years, meteor, cesium, ror, perl (1 year for each on different projects). I was one of the strongest knockout.js developers (made plugins and contributions). I'm strong with bootstrap, google maps, and leaflet (about 3-8 years of experience). For the last 6 year my focus is purely on vue.js + vuetify framework. This time using typescript both for the back-end and front-end seems to be a mature and solid approach. I'm writing the back-end on nest.js + openapi or graphql when it's included into my responsibilities.
We are creating agile project management software (teamhood.com). My part is the front-end based on vue/vuex/vuetify/typescript/openapi.
Raganeta is my private company in Lithuania that holds my own, cooperate projects and freelance activity. Usually I work as a freelancer for 10-15 hours a week. Some projects are:
Starbright.com school management platform front-end development based on vue/vuex/vuetify/nuxt. It's a huge and comprehensive system with dozens of features that goals to cover all primary school needs. Some of them are: individual student schedule with full history, accounting (billing periods, discounts, multi charges, quick books sync, etc), drop off/pick up (+ mobile application), staff schedules, work shifts, clock-ins, sign-outs, the health module (immunizations, documents, medical services), communications (multi-channel, gmail addon, mailing lists, sms, alerts), reports (everything in different combinations in pdf printable format), charts, stats, tags, file storage, form constructor (like jotforms, but fully integrated into the StarBright ecosystem). The entire front-end created by me. more...
This is a small company created by my classmate. The company develops its own websites (e.g. workdigest.ru, findjob.ru). Worked remotely since 2008 with a wide range of tasks from setting up debian/ubuntu servers from scratch and writing content grabbers up to managing advertising sales. We still have some servers, and our websites still work, but we do not develop them because it's not profitable anymore.
Fullstack development of different business and communication tools for Exentriq platform like video chat, kanban/gantt boards, time tracker, etc. using meteor framework, blaze templates, rocketchat.
Developing needu.com website based on ror, knockout.js, and ko-widget (that's my front-end engine on top of knockout and require.js). Developing complex nodejs/phantom-based web scrapping botnet with captcha solving and vpn/proxies support.
Developing visualization of paragliding races for airtribune.com based on several map engines - google maps, google earth, leaflet, cesium, open web globe. Real-time races with 2min delay, keyframes technique for replays with various speed, several internal services like pilot's retrieve system.
Developing web interface for energostat.ru system using raphael.js, jquery, and native javascript.
Writing botnet grabbers for inntelligenz.com system with iquelab.com team.